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News — sleep paralysis

How about Napflix and Chills?

Napflix? Move over Netflix, you’ve got a new competitor on the market ‘Napflix’. What is Napflix exactly? Napflix is a new ‘Siesta Video Platform’, think Netflix but with one major twist: they want you to fall asleep!

Posted by Ryan Baldwin on

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What is Sleep Paralysis?

Have you ever woken during your slumber to find yourself paralyzed, unable to move or talk, seeing things that are not there and riddled with an overwhelming fear of supernatural suffocation? If you have experienced an episode similar to this, you are within the 8% of the population that experience Sleep Paralysis.     Sleep paralysis, also known as “the worst thing ever”, is defined as “being unable to move during awakening” (Sharpless, 2016. "A clinician's guide to recurrent isolated sleep paralysis"). The condition is a type of parasomnia caused by a dysfunctional overlap of waking sleep stages and REM...

Posted by Chris Rittmeester on

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